Product Definition:

Concept, Specification & Development Planning

Prior to the commencement of product development, Genesys will work with you to ensure that all of your product requirements are fully defined, understood and documented in a comprehensive Requirements Specification.

Your inputs to this process are likely to vary depending on the nature of your organisation, and level of in-house technical expertise. Inputs may range from a high-level description of product function; through to a detailed technical specification.

Customer & User Requirements

Genesys is able to accept information at any level of detail, and work with you to ensure that all requirements are identified before development commences. In particular, we can apply our extensive knowledge of regulatory standards to plan for any necessary compliances right from the start. We add value to your project by suggesting any capabilities which might be enabled by state-of-the-art technology.

Planning, Management & Transparency

In order to ensure that your development project is undertaken efficiently, effectively and with high levels of visibility, we prepare a comprehensive project plan for your project, based on a detailed Work Breakdown Structure. This identifies all project activities, deliverables and review points. A GANTT chart is prepared, to depict project timelines and milestones.

Product Concept Innovation

Through developing products for a wide range of industries and applications we gain tremendous insight into the latest approaches for product design, feature/function/performance possibilities and manufacture techniques.

Product Definition: product conceptualisation, specification & development planning.

Product Definition: product conceptualisation, specification & development planning.

Other Genesys Services:

Our engineers are highly experienced and innovative. They can assist you to convert preliminary marketing requirements into sound product concepts based on real world technologies, and address important practical issues such as technical feasibility, achievable specifications, compliance matters and cost versus performance trade-offs.

Our broad exposure means that we can often provide advice on product concepts that are “outside the square” of your industry space. This can provide you with the edge you need over your competitors. We always strive to add maximum value at each step of the process, broadening your product capability and IP base.

Product Specification

Genesys is able to convert your marketing and high level requirement information into a complete and comprehensive Product Specification that defines all the technical detail required to guide your development.

These specifications define all aspects of a product including cosmetic, mechanical, functional, environmental, and standards related requirements. Specification development is the cornerstone of the Genesys development process and forms the basis of the product design and verification phases.

Formulation of a clear and comprehensive specification is an essential part of ensuring that we develop a product that meets or exceeds all of your requirements and expectations.